Dry Rub for your favorite meat
This is a simple dry rub that you can use on any meat. Dry rubs are great because they add flavor without the added calories!
This recipe makes a bunch so I just half it when I make it and put the rest in a airtight container. I 've used it 3 times already on chicken breasts. A bit spicy so reduce the amount of cayenne pepper if you don 't want too much kick!
1/2 cup paprika
3 tbls. cayenne pepper
5 tbls. freshly ground black pepper
6 tbls. garlic powder
3 tbls. onion powder
6 tbls. salt
2 1/2 tbls. dried oregano
2 1/2 tbls. dried thyme
In a medium bowl, combine the paprika, cayenne pepper, ground black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, oregano, and thyme. Mix well, and store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. Just rub into your choice of meat and grill
Recipe Source: Unknown (But likely an old gem from Joi's recipe box)
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